Home Organisation - Expectations vs. Reality

You plan to tackle the disorganised wardrobe or cabinet that's driving you nuts during the holidays or spring cleaning frenzy. You want a new customised design that fits your lifestyle and storage needs. You want to discard strange random things. You want a clean and organised space, where your things are reassembled in a logical order.

You decide that you need to organise your space. And when you are done, perhaps you take a photograph. And while you're pleased with how much easier it is to locate your belongings, you might say to yourself, "Huh!” That doesn't seem to be the same as social media's well organised wardrobes or cabinets! We have some suggestions that you might like.

Don't despair, after creating storage spaces in homes through working with customers in built-in storage solutions such as wardrobe, kitchens and cabinetry, the most important thing is that the storage solution works for you. It is not always about having a wardrobe or cabinet that is worthy of appearing in a magazine or going viral on social media. Although that would be amazing! Remember, beautiful photos are not the point of organisation.


Often photos are taken with one's camera and not a professional photographer, stylist, or organisation blogger. Sometimes it's not possible to get a full length photograph of wardrobes or cabinets because they are located in narrow spaces. Take a look at our gallery. Often it's not possible to have matching storage containers or baskets. It's great to declutter and have an organised life with a neat place for everything. But one must be cautious that it doesn't take over and become extremely time-consuming.


So, what is the most important point about realistic organisation? Remember that photos seen on the internet are carefully styled, and they are crafted to perfection, they should not be a standard for happiness. A principle that is widely applied but seldom stated: The point of organisation is that it makes your life easier. When you find your belongings quickly and easily, you save time and energy. It is far better to spend your time on other activities that are more important to you.  The situation is that we actually live in our homes. We build our houses to suit our lives, not other people's standards.

Organising a space for ease and convenience is all about setting things up in ways that enable you to simplify your life and save you time. Here are some thoughts you might contemplate:

  • Do all (or very nearly all) of your possessions have a designated place so you can find what you’re looking for most of the time?

  • Do most of your spaces work the way you want them to? Or are there areas that constantly bother you? Piles that topple? Excessive amounts of visual clutter? A drawer where you can never find what you need?

  • Do you (mostly) have similar items in groups? Do you use and like the vast majority of your belongings?

Would you like to work on your ideas for your own space?

Jumpstart your life's organising efforts and save big. Book a design consultation with our experienced designers today. We offer an obligation free measure and quote.

Our professional designers will make your vision for your space come and offer you solutions that match your space, taste, and budget.


Wardrobe Design Trends